

№1 2024


Increasing the reliability and speed of data transmission in the rayleigh channel through the use of combining intermittent data transmission with diversity reception with optimal addition of diversity branches


I.M. Andrianov, I.G. Kiselev, M.N. Andrianov


Astro Space Center P.N. Lebedev Physical Institut of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, The Russian Federation


The paper discusses a method for increasing the reliability of data transmission under conditions of Rayleigh signal fading using the modes of combining intermittent radiation and coherent diversity reception of phase-keyed signals with optimal addition. The main goal of the study is to increase the noise immunity of data trans-mission in the Rayleigh channel while keeping the transmitter power and data transmission rate constant. The study was carried out using the method of mathematical modeling in the MathCad (computer algebra system)/Matlab environments. The applicability of the method is shown not only for radio range systems, but also for quantum data transmission devices, in particular in the infrared range, operating under conditions of fluctuations of the tropospheric channel, on the communication line between a spacecraft and a ground tracking station. Main results of the work: the advantage of combining intermittent radiation and diversity reception of signals at a constant transmitter power is shown to increase the reliability of the functioning of autonomous systems; the dependence of the error probability on the threshold level is determined for a fixed transmitter power; an assessment was made of the optimal threshold level of the transmitting device based on the criterion of minimizing the probability of error; it has been shown that at an optimal threshold level, not only the minimum probability of erroneous data reception is ensured, but also the energy consumption of the transmitter is reduced.


intermittent communication, integration, diversity reception, optimal addition, optimal threshold level


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For citing this article

Andrianov I.M., Kiselev I.G., Andrianov M.N. Increasing the reliability and speed of data transmission in the rayleigh channel through the use of combining intermittent data transmission with diversity reception with optimal addition of diversity branches // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 17-25.

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