

№1 2024


Development of a new method for creating the working surface of a large-sized transformable reflector


P.V. Belousov, Y.B. Tomilina, V.A. Didik, A.А. Puhov


JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite System»
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation


In the design of large-sized umbrella-type reflectors, a form-building structure is used to create the working surface. The form-building structure in the open position is a system of tensioned threads. The formative structure of the manufacturing stage is influenced by external factors that lead to degradation of the cords. The resulting deformations of the formative structure affect the stability of the geometric parameters, which are subject to strict requirements [1]. From the point of view of reducing labor intensity, it is advisable to manufacture arches of the formative structure with elements of the laying system on a fragment of the formative structure – the arched system. The algorithm of the new applied method includes the stages of installation and strength testing of arches on specially designed standardized equipment. Of great practical interest is the task of applying this technology and conducting similar research through the development of special technological equipment. The article formulates the requirements for equipment (STO) and calculates the labor intensity. The authors proposed an original design of technological equipment, developed a new method for assembling the working surface of a largesized reflector, which can significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing the reflector. Currently, the developed methodology, having passed all test cycles and confirmed its performance, awaits practical implementation in the process of manufacturing the working surface of a large-sized transformable reflector.


transformable reflector, umbrella reflector, form-building structure, technological equipment, method


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For citing this article

Belousov P.V., Tomilina Y.B., Didik V.A., Puhov A.А. Development of a new method for creating the working surface of a large-sized transformable reflector // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 34-41.

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