

№1 2024


Measures for attenuation of interference at the level of design of the temperature control interface module for spacecraft measuring instruments


A.I. Gornostaev


JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite System»
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation


When developing temperature control interface modules used as part of spacecraft onboard equipment, it is important to correctly substantiate the set of measures to ensure their noise immunity, taken at the design levels of the measuring system, measuring device and temperature control interface module. Such a justification involves an assessment of the effectiveness of possible interference mitigation techniques at each design level. The article is devoted to the consideration of interference mitigation measures at the design level of the temperature control interface module, which should be taken to ensure the required noise immunity of the temperature control interface module in combination with measures taken at other design levels. It is shown that to ensure the required noise immunity at the design level of temperature control interface modules, it is necessary to provide reasonable measures to mitigate interference in both analog devices and digital devices. In both cases, it is possible to reduce interference partly by introducing noise suppression filters into the devices and partly by using the common power bus as an electrostatic shield. In addition, it is possible to further increase the accuracy of measurements by performing multiple measurements over a given time interval and averaging the obtained measurement results using a digital filter.


noise immunity, attenuation of interference, equipotential point, shielding, noise filter, multiple measurements, digital filter


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For citing this article

Gornostaev A.I. Measures for attenuation of interference at the level of design of the temperature control interface module for spacecraft measuring instruments // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 42-56.

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