

№3 2014


Innovative systems improve the adjustment capacity of the wind power plant with variable speed wind


S.N. Udalov, A.A. Achitaev


Novosibirsk State Technical University
Novosibirsk, Russia


This paper discusses alternative ways to control the lifting force of the wind power plant turbines, allowing further increase the effect of the adjustment. Thus to ensure the production of electricity at the time of dispersal of the wind power plant and limited production at the time of strong winds. The mathematical model can simulate the physical conditions that occur in each of the devices.


wind power plant, lift force, aerodynamic devices, plasma drive, jet drive

For citing this article

Udalov S.N., Achitaev A.A. Innovative systems improve the adjustment capacity of the wind power plant with variable speed wind // The Research of the Science City, 2014, no. 3, pp. 41-48.

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