
Calculation of the process parameters of gas flow through pinholes of pressurized container of the spacecraftAuthor
V.E. ChebotarevOrganization
JCS Academician M. F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems»Zheleznogorsk, Russia
A model of gas flow through the pinhole in the pressurized container of the spacecraft for the case with smooth edges was designed. The estimation of the gas velocity from the pressurized container of the spacecraft «Glonass-M» № 718 based on pressure dieaway data at wide interval due to pierce by micrometeoroid was made. Choice of law of gas flow through the pinhole for the case of smooth edges was defined. Recommendation for refinement of models for calculating cross-sectional area pinholes arising from the pierce of pressurized container of the spacecraft with by micrometeoroid (the case of non-smooth edges) was developed.Keywords
pinhole, pressurized container, gas flow model, spacecraftFor citing this article
Chebotarev V.E. Calculation of the process parameters of gas flow through pinholes of pressurized container of the spacecraft // The Research of the Science City, 2015, no. 1, pp. 14-17.
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