
Frequency-polarization selection signals in the horn feeding systems in reflector antennasAuthor
Yu.V. KrylovOrganization
JCS «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite Systems»Zheleznogorsk, Russia
The operation principal of horn-reflector aerial using polarization frequency- discrimination device containing two orthomode coupler is presented. The horn-reflector aerial, designed according to this scheme allows for ensuring the transmitting and receiving signals with circular polarization over the Ka/Q?bands according to the contemporary requirements which are demanded for feed antenna of satellite communication systems in accordance with the values of axial ratio and VSWR. The advantages of this device are small dimensions and weight of the feed systems and the ability to work in a broad frequency range, both in reception and the transmission with the optimum values of the electrical characteristics.Keywords
polarization frequency-selective device, feed antenna, orthomode selector, Ka-frequency band, Q-frequency bandFor citing this article
Krylov Yu.V. Frequency-polarization selection signals in the horn feeding systems in reflector antennas // The Research of the Science City, 2015, no. 2, pp. 5-9.
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