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№1 2017


Improving the system’s efficiency of information and analysis support in the development of satellites: questions of identifying and protection of intellectual property


1E.A. Morozov, 1Yu.V. Vilkov, 1A.N. Kiseleva, 1V.V. Dvirnyi, 2,3G.G. Krushenko


1JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite Systems»
Zheleznogorsk, Russian Federation
2Institute Computational Modeling SB RAS
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
3Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


Conducting science and research work, which are the engine of activity of high technology enterprises, it is impossible without an analysis of the scientific and technical information. Production of modern competitive products based on regular, focused on long-term perspective scientific research. Therefore, it is so important to use a systematic approach to the analysis of scientific and technical information that makes it possible not only to identify the technological advance, created in a given field of scientific, technical and engineering research, but also to shape the circuit of the supposed solutions, to identify technical solutions, capable of subsequent protection in the form of intellectual property. In the article indicated problems of preservation and development of the intellectual base of enterprises of space industry. The way of solving problems is develop a set of effective measures, aimed to improving the system of information and analytical support. It is considered one of the tasks, helping to solve the above problem – the selection of promising technical solutions and provides a solution to this problem by clustering method, related on data mining. Scientific novelty consists in using of clustering method in the new field for this method – in the space industry for selecting of promising technical solutions. List the main stages of the clustering method by the example of JSC «Information Satellite Systems» academician M.F. Reshetnev». Developed and tested in practice, clustering method for the selection of promising technical solutions will solve only one of the tasks of the global target of the space industry enterprises – development of effective measures aimed at improving information and analytical support systems.


science and research work, scientific and technical information, data mining, selection of perspective technical decisions, technical and economic utility, cluster analysis


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For citing this article

Morozov E.A., Vilkov Yu.V., Kiseleva A.N., Dvirnyi V.V., Krushenko G.G. Improving the system’s efficiency of information and analysis support in the development of satellites: questions of identifying and protection of intellectual property // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-43.

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