

№1 2018


The approach to processing aerospase group objects data into information system with limited capabilities


S.A. Semenov, V.S. Semenov, V.V. Poddubsky, E.N. Zhidkov


Military Aerospace Defense Academy
Tver, Russian Federation


In the presence of a large number of objects in the area of responsibility of the information system, information overload may arise. In the work on the basis of the formalization of the process of mapping the situation in the area of responsibility of the information system, an approach is considered and on its basis a method and algorithm for aggregating data on aerospace group objects in an information system with limited resources is proposed. It is shown that for the analysis of processes occurring when mapping relations between objects in a group in an information system under conditions of time and resource constraints, it is expedient to use the apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets. The structure of the developed method is described, the computational resources required for its implementation are proposed and a truncated version of the algorithm realizing the proposed method is proposed, as well as the results of the estimation of the quality of the functioning of the developed truncated algorithm. Calculations show that the developed algorithm provides a significant reduction in information losses and increases information capabilities of the system under conditions of overload several times. The main goal of the work is to propose a way to minimize the loss of real-time information in conditions of information overload of a complex hierarchical system with limited capabilities on the basis of aggregation of data on objects operating in compact groups.


aggregation, information system with limited capabilities, aerospace group objects, reflection of data


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For citing this article

Semenov S.A., Semenov V.S., Poddubsky V.V., Zhidkov E.N. The approach to processing aerospase group objects data into information system with limited capabilities // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 53-60. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-1-53-60

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